hello from Hekab Be. It's early fall, though it still feels like summer around here...it's quiet and the visitors are few, but kids are back to school and in need of materials nonetheless...
Here's our latest wish list (please also scroll down to the bottom for items that we currently do *not* need)
for the kids--
Pocket Folders
Spiral notebooks
zippered pencil bags
coloring books (bilingual would be great)
small dolls
matchbox cars
hair things
jewelry - especially beaded bracelets (the girls are all gaga over these)
any individually wrapped toy
for the library--
plastic storage tubs
paint (exterior/interior) - can be bought locally
cleaning supplies (contact Maggie for details, best place to get these is at Sam's/Costco in bulk)
**a PLUMBER - someone with plumbing skills to help us get a pipe from the water source to the toilet. And material (pipes, etc) for when a plumber is found.
Computers (please nothing more than 2-3 years old. preferably running Win XP)
Educational DVD's and kid/family classics in Spanish
Wooden Chairs/plastic chairs
Area rugs - 1) for children's room with numbers/alphabet 1) solid or print for adult reading area
ADULT FICTION IN SPANISH - GRISHAM, GRAFTON, KING,PATTERSON, COELHO, SARAMAGO, GARCIA MARQUEZ (less well known titles- we already have the more common ones)
We still need a copy of "Mammals of the Yucatan" - we have it on DVD but would like to have the book in both Eng. and Span.
A Mental Health book or any psychiatry/psychology books for both teens and adults in Spanish
A Spanish-Italian dictionary
Things we don't currently need:
printer paper
colored paper
Questions? contact Maggie: Maggiemk@aol.com