Holiday Donations & Volunteers needed
We are now preparing for two big upcoming events the Annual Christmas Clothing Bazaar (to be held on Saturday Dec. 15th) and the Annual Christmas Fiesta to be held on Wednesday Dec. 19th: Both of these events require a lot of VOLUNTEER assistance and in the case of the Christmas Fiesta CASH DONATIONS to provide lunch and piƱatas. This year´s menu will be Spaghetti, Empanadas, Vegetable Salad and Cake. Costs for these food items will be around $2,500 (mx). We anticipate at least 100 kids and about 40 adults. Every child receives a wrapped Christmas present given to them by Santa Claus (Santa Bart Smith of Turtle Bay Bakery).
Help a child in need-- Eric Fund
At present we have a dire need of sponsorship for a 3 -1/2 year old mentally retarded boy named Eric. The library (with some local assistance) has been contributing $200 pesos a week for him to take the bus (with his mother) to Playa del Carmen and attend special classes 3 times a week – the costs covers tuition and transportation.
His Mother recently informed me that he was accepted to attend the school daily – now requiring double the expenses = $400 pesos per week. If anyone can help with this endeavor (either partially or in full) please do not hesitate to contact us or donate via PayPal (If using Paypal be sure to specify ‘Eric fund’ in the paypal form so we can track those donations.)