March 12, 2014

2014 Spring Wish List - March

Foamy (square sheets in all colors and large pieces)
Acrylic or tempera paint in large containers
Electric pencil sharpener
Rolls of gauze bandage
Activity books (puzzles, etc.) for older children
Coloring books
Small toys and games for monthly prizes
Glue in bottles
Small zippered packs like pencil cases
Pencil sharpeners
Tennis shoes in all children’s sizes
Theme books (small with 30-100 pages)
Plastic bowls in all sizes
Watercolor paper or thick, white paper
Muffin tins
Rolling pins and rollers (like you use to roll the bubbles out of wallpaper)
Coffee filters
Wax paper and aluminum foil
Small paper bags in natural and white
Ribbon and trims
Old hair dryers and irons
Large size Ziplock bags
White t-shirts in assorted children’s sizes
Sponge brushes

Bigger Items:
Paper cutter
Plastic storage containers
New ceiling fan for office
LCD projector
New doors for the classrooms
Plastic chairs for the classrooms
Paper towel dispenser for the bathroom
(We do NOT need crayons, ruled paper, or markers) 

Questions? Email us: