September 14, 2007

Current (Sept 2007) Wish List

Our needs at present address those of our local community as well as those further south that were hit by Hurricane Dean.

We desperately are in need of volunteer help from Doctors, Nurses, and Practioners.
Unlike public schools in the U.S., Canada and Europe, our local schools do not test these children for eye and hearing problems. As a result when they do develop problems they are compounded from lack of proper care. Maybe an eye and ear clinic?
Please contact if you can provide any volunteer medical services.

We Need: Volunteers, to teacher assist, to do science projects and other educational projects, to do arts & crafts, to guest lecture, to do guest performances.... If you have a special interest that you feel would receive a good audience at the library please do not hesitate to contact us.

********BACK ON THE LIST - SCHOOL SUPPLIES (These are for Hurricane Dean areas)

--Canned goods.
--used clothing.
--toys.(stuffed animals particularly)
--bottles and formula.

Hekab Be also still needs the following:
--gently used clothing (also for Hurricane Dean areas - *please stipulate whether these are for the library or for areas hit by Hurricane Dean when you drop these off)

1) flash cards for multiplication and division
2) little toy cars (matchbox or hotwheels size)
3) children's dvd's and vhs tapes in Spanish
4) adult vhs tapes and dvd's in Spanish - for learning English, on parenting or other educational topics such as health care, do it yourself, etc......

--volunteers for other improvement projects- painting, repairs, gardening...

--and as always, donations for operating costs.This is the low season and we tend to deplete our funds during these months when visitors are fewer. Your donation at this time can make all the difference to help us stay open and pay our dedicated staff until the season picks up again. Remember, tourism is seasonal but learning is not!!

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