December 8, 2007

December wishes

Holiday Donations & Volunteers needed
We are now preparing for two big upcoming events the Annual Christmas Clothing Bazaar (to be held on Saturday Dec. 15th) and the Annual Christmas Fiesta to be held on Wednesday Dec. 19th: Both of these events require a lot of VOLUNTEER assistance and in the case of the Christmas Fiesta CASH DONATIONS to provide lunch and piƱatas. This year´s menu will be Spaghetti, Empanadas, Vegetable Salad and Cake. Costs for these food items will be around $2,500 (mx). We anticipate at least 100 kids and about 40 adults. Every child receives a wrapped Christmas present given to them by Santa Claus (Santa Bart Smith of Turtle Bay Bakery).

Help a child in need-- Eric Fund
At present we have a dire need of sponsorship for a 3 -1/2 year old mentally retarded boy named Eric. The library (with some local assistance) has been contributing $200 pesos a week for him to take the bus (with his mother) to Playa del Carmen and attend special classes 3 times a week – the costs covers tuition and transportation.
His Mother recently informed me that he was accepted to attend the school daily – now requiring double the expenses = $400 pesos per week. If anyone can help with this endeavor (either partially or in full) please do not hesitate to contact us or donate via PayPal (If using Paypal be sure to specify ‘Eric fund’ in the paypal form so we can track those donations.)

November 7, 2007

Holiday party gifts needed

Thinking ahead for the Xmas party (which will be held Weds, Dec. 19th in the morning):

We are usually short on gifts/toys for older kids (age 10-14), and will try to post some suggested items in the near future, but for the time being think 'big kids.' Please remember, no battery toys, it's too costly for families to replace.
For younger kids, both boys and girls like the car sets, stuffed animals (does not matter what kind), jewelry sets, bracelet/necklace/bead making kits, hair accessories kits and sets, any kind of art kit (paint by number/velvet/water-color), dolls, doll clothing, anything Dora the Explorer, kites, soccer balls, pog sets, airplanes, car kits, simple puzzles (jigsaw) coloring books with markers or crayolas, punchy balloon things, backpacks (any kind of bag to carry stuff in).

We will need things like gift bags or wrapping paper, holiday treats such as candy canes (or other candy that won't melt!!) are nice to share as well.

We always need volunteers to help with the party, the turn out is always large so the more hands the better-- we will let people know soon about the date for the party.

October 29, 2007

Donations need for art classes

HB is starting free art classes next week which will be taught by local, accomplished artists. We are in great need of some art supplies, here is what is most needed:

--REAL art supplies- heavy paper, acrylics, watercolors, gesso, brushes, pastels.... Some of things can be purchased locally but we also need cash donations as they are not cheap! Paint especially can be expensive.

--Are you an artist who wants to share your skills with Akumal children? Contact Maggie to find out how you can help.

--DRY ERASE MARKERS - we are teaching so much that they are all getting used up. Black is best for teaching. (We use the dry erase boards like a chalk board).

October 26, 2007

NEW -Sponsor/Donor of the Month!

Beginning this month we will be recognizing on a bimonthly basis- donors and Sponsors who have given so much of themselves and their time to help the Hekab Be Biblioteca de Akumal.

I planned to begin doing this early this year, but a lot of work and maybe some procrastination.... as they say "better late than never".

It is Sponsors like Terri Gerhardt (and her husband Dave) that keep this library alive and functioning!

Please read a profile about Terri below.

Terri G.
*born and raised in Edmonton Alberta Canada [not British Columbia..]
*I have 2 daughters and a son from a previous marriage..29,23 and 21 years of age..
*I have been with Canada Safeway since 1974
*Married to my best friend Dave in 1997
*Diagnosed with breast cancer 1998..double mastectomy
*recurrance in 1999... radiation
*cancer-free since !!!!!
*discovered Akumal in April 2005 and locogringo sept'05
*Learned of the library's plight there after Emily and Wilma had wreaked their havoc! !
* I attended the La Buena Vida party 11/12/05 and Red Deer Alberta fundraiser one week raise funds for Hekab..
*purchased silent auction items from LG parties in Ontario and Chicago as I cannot attend ALL the parties, contrary to popular beliefs !!!!
*Visited Akumal again in March- April '06 and organized another Hekab fundraiser...
*again in July '06 and most recently January '07

as a two-time survivor I try to equate myself to the little too is a two-time let's do what we can together !!

PLEASE NOTE: Terri recently found out that her cancer has returned and she is vigorously fighting it- once again! Once again she will beat it! Please keep Terri in your thoughts and prayers

September 14, 2007

Current (Sept 2007) Wish List

Our needs at present address those of our local community as well as those further south that were hit by Hurricane Dean.

We desperately are in need of volunteer help from Doctors, Nurses, and Practioners.
Unlike public schools in the U.S., Canada and Europe, our local schools do not test these children for eye and hearing problems. As a result when they do develop problems they are compounded from lack of proper care. Maybe an eye and ear clinic?
Please contact if you can provide any volunteer medical services.

We Need: Volunteers, to teacher assist, to do science projects and other educational projects, to do arts & crafts, to guest lecture, to do guest performances.... If you have a special interest that you feel would receive a good audience at the library please do not hesitate to contact us.

********BACK ON THE LIST - SCHOOL SUPPLIES (These are for Hurricane Dean areas)

--Canned goods.
--used clothing.
--toys.(stuffed animals particularly)
--bottles and formula.

Hekab Be also still needs the following:
--gently used clothing (also for Hurricane Dean areas - *please stipulate whether these are for the library or for areas hit by Hurricane Dean when you drop these off)

1) flash cards for multiplication and division
2) little toy cars (matchbox or hotwheels size)
3) children's dvd's and vhs tapes in Spanish
4) adult vhs tapes and dvd's in Spanish - for learning English, on parenting or other educational topics such as health care, do it yourself, etc......

--volunteers for other improvement projects- painting, repairs, gardening...

--and as always, donations for operating costs.This is the low season and we tend to deplete our funds during these months when visitors are fewer. Your donation at this time can make all the difference to help us stay open and pay our dedicated staff until the season picks up again. Remember, tourism is seasonal but learning is not!!

June 21, 2007

Summer wishlist

Some new requests for the summer program at Hekab Be:

--Spiral notebooks
--Volunteers to do science projects or other educational projects.

We also still need (see Feb 16 posting below):
--gently used clothing
--volunteers for other improvement projects
--donations for operating costs

June 12, 2007

February Wishlist is still current

While wandering around on loco gringo we noticed some people asking for the most current library Wishlist.
Please note that we do *not* update the wishlist every month simply because our needs do not change that often. So even though this last list was posted in February, it is still up to date.
Check back in the near future as we may post again soon with a new wishlist related to our upcoming summer school program needs.
And thanks to all of you who work so hard to make sure you bring what the library needs! We can't tell you enough how much we appreciate it!!

--> Please note our donation information has been moved to another page. Please click on the link to the left "Hekab Be Donation Site" to access that page.

February 16, 2007

2007 Library wishlist

Thanks to all your generosity, we are up to our eyeballs in crayons and other school supplies, for the time being. We will be sharing some of these precious resources with other local libraries in need.

At the moment, our greatest needs are:
(1) Your time - if you are going to be in the area, consider donating an afternoon of your time to help with various projects (painting, organizing our space, checking in books, etc.). Contact Maggie to plan a time:

(2) Your money - while last year was one of our best so far in terms of meeting our financial needs, please remember that your monetary donations are the only thing that helps pay the bills and other library expenses. Our budget is modest, but still requires cash flow. We don't receive any government funds or money from other sources. We operate purely on private donations from our wonderful library friends.

(3) Your old clothes - we need gently used clothing for teens, children & infants.

And of course, we're always happy to have people come in to work with the kids doing crafts, reading or other age-appropriate projects. Come share your expertise!